Friday, May 21, 2010

Announcing Your New Baby With Personalized Baby Announcements

Baby Announcements for Announcing The New Baby!

Sending out personalized baby announcements to your friends and family is a good idea but before you start selecting the birth announcements you want to mail for your new arrival, there are some questions you might have about them.

Birth Announcement: Gift Required?

Don't expect everyone who receives a baby announcement to send a gift. They certainly aren't required to do so. However, most will send you some type of acknowledgement: a note of congratulations, a telephone call, or even a visit to see the baby in person. Of course, some recipients may want to send gifts but never send along a list of needed items or details about where you have registered the baby. You should make sure your close relatives have this information though so if they are asked by recipients of baby announcements they can provide the information. It's a good way to make sure people get the information without you looking like you expect gifts.

Announcements Baby: Special Factors

When you get ready to send out your babies announcements, you may have special circumstances that would affect the way you write your baby announcements. For example, if you have twins or triplets you might not know whether to send out multiple pregnancy announcements or not. The best rule of thumb is to always stick with a single pregnancy announcement and just add all of the new additions' names. You can imagine the surprise your recipients will have when they see the list of names. Of course, this won't work as well with photo baby announcements.

Another issue is the birth weight of the baby. When you're thinking about your babies invitations, the weight of the newborn is usually listed. However, if you have a premature baby you may not want to include this detail. There's no reason to make recipients worry about the baby on an announcement that is intended to make them happy. Instead, just leave off all of these details. You may also want to omit the information from the birth invitations if you have a very large baby. Remember you also don't need to include a personalized note on every one of the infant invitations. Most people will understand that new parents don't have the time to write a message to each person.

Adoption & Baby Announcements

Today, more couples are turning to adoption as a way to expand their families. The question is should these parents also send out baby birth announcements. The answer is a definite yes. Announcements can definitely be mailed out if you adopt a new child. Of course, you may want to leave off the weight and length of the baby. You could instead include the date of birth and the date when the new baby joined the family. Whether you're sending baby invitations for one baby or multiple babies, a biological or an adopted baby, or any new addition to the family, make sure to choose baby announcements that you'll be proud to send to everyone with the wonderful news.

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